2022 Dane County High school Climate Confernc4
Gen Z: Meeting the challenge of our changing environment
Whether you’ve been involved in activism for years or if you have no experience but want to learn more, the upcoming youth climate conference is an outstanding opportunity to connect and collaborate with environmental activists throughout Dane County, share and learn what you can do to help the environment, and more! All high schoolers in Dane County are invited! Bring a friend!

November 12th
Alliant Energy Center
Exhibition Hall
8:30 AM - Doors Open - Registration
9:30 AM - Welcome & Introductions
10:00 AM - First Keynote Speaker followed by Q&A & Table Discussion
11:00 AM - Second Keynote Speaker followed by Q&A & Table Discussion
12:00 AM - Lunch
1:00 PM - 1st Breakout Session
2:00 PM - 2nd Breakout Session
3:00 - Workshop Session - Panel followed by planning at tables
4:15 PM - Concluding Remarks
Admission Free
Parking Free
Lunch Free
Stephanie Janeth Salgado altamirano
Gen Z: Meeting the challenge of our changing environment
It's a long way from Honduras to the Wisconsin Governors task force on climate change. A local youth activist has a story to tell about how she became a voice at the table. Maybe you can do it too.
Mikhaila Calice
why don't people listen?
Teens have friends, family, teachers, administrators, coaches and others to talk with about their future. When it comes to climate change it's not always easy. Learn ways to communicate and collaborate at home, in school and everywhere else on the difficult topic of climate change.
Breakout 1
Jorge Roman-Romero
Maithilee Kanthi
Climate justice is more than a concept
Climate change doesn't treat everyone equally or fairly. Find out about climate justice; what it means, its global and Wisconsin implications and what high school students can do about it.
Panel Host: Sturgeon Moritz
Madison Country Day School
Breakout 2
Kathy Kuntz
The path to a sustainable future goes through the place where we live
The cities and towns we live in have a powerful role to play in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. What does the new legislation mean for the places where we live? Learn what's happening and what's going to happen in Dane County and how you can play an important role.
Breakout 3
Tim Lindstrom
Rob Beattie
So, where are you headed?
Beyond developing a sustainable live style there are sustainable careers and educational opportunities to consider. What's out there for you? The arts, sciences, sports, business, and government are all making the environment and sustainability a priority! That means more new and exciting opportunities for you. What are they? Stop by this breakout and find a future.
Breakout 4
Noemy Lesieutre
Dave Ropa
Andy Weiland
Making my school sustainable
We spend a lot of time and energy at school. It is our home away from home and we need to make it a place we can be proud of. That means making it sustainable. So just how can we make that happen? Learn the ins and outs of effecting change in your school.
Panel Host: Akanksha Denduluri
Vel Phillips Memorial High School
Dane County Youth Environmental Committee
Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change
United Nations Association Dane County
WDPI Department of Public Instruction
MGE Madison Gas and Electric
WPPI Energy
Midea Midwest
Everlight Solar
350 Wisconsin
Clean Lakes
Wisconsin Health Professionals for
Climate Action
Wisconsin Energy Institute
Aldo Leopold Center
WI Creation Care Ambassadors
Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Stephanie Janeth Salgado Altamirano
Stephanie Janeth Salgado Altamirano, who seven years ago moved to Madison from Honduras with her family, is a junior majoring in political science and environmental studies and minors in Chicané/Latiné Studies and Public Policy. In 2019, she was appointed to the state’s Climate Change Task Force, which advises Gov. Tony Evers on the most pragmatic ways to mitigate the effects of climate change. As a student at Vel Phillips Memorial High School, Salgado contributed to the book Green Card Youth Voices. She cofounded the nonprofit Youth Climate Action Team and is a member of the Wisconsin Student Climate Action Coalition.

Climate Justice Organizer at Clean Wisconsin
Maithilee Kanthi
Maithilee Kanthi is the Climate Justice Organizer at Clean Wisconsin, a statewide environmental advocacy nonprofit, where she uses her background in community organizing and climate justice to mobilize broad support for climate solutions across the state.
During her college years, Maithilee volunteered as the Hub Coordinator of Sunrise Santa Barbara, where she helped organize activism against local oil projects and advocacy trainings for young leaders. She was also an enthusiastic Model UN participant in high school and college, and in 2019, she attended the National Model United Nations Conference in New York City, where she represented Bolivia in the UN Environmental Assembly and was named "Outstanding Delegate" for her leadership.
Maithilee grew up in California's Silicon Valley and graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara in June 2020 with a B.A. in Political Science and Global Studies. She relocated to Madison, WI in 2021 to work for Clean Wisconsin and has grown to love the natural beauty of her new home state.

Attorney / Equal Justice Works Fellow
Jorge Roman-Romero
Jorge is an Equal Justice Works Fellow hosted by Midwest Environmental Advocates working on legal and regulatory issues related to drinking water quality and climate mitigation on behalf of vulnerable populations. He advocates for at-risk communities facing toxic exposure from PFAS pollution via drinking water and the youth on permitting decisions related to fossil-fuel projects and their associated greenhouse gas pollution. Before joining MEA, Jorge worked as a clerk for the Environmental Advisory Counsel of the Attorney General of Ireland, the Oklahoma Court of Appeals, and Earthjustice. He earned a Juris Doctor degree and a Master of Laws degree in Natural Resources Law from the University of Tulsa College of Law. Born and raised in Ecuador, Jorge has been interested in environmental issues since childhood. He is glad to be part of MEA addressing Wisconsin’s water quality and climate issues.

Faculty Associate, CESP Co-Director
Robert Beattie
BS, UW-Madison - Communication Arts (Radio, TV, Film, 1981); MS, SUNY-ESF - Environmental Science (1987); PhD, MIT - Environmental Planning (1998).
Research Interests
Public participation in democratic environmental decision-making, environmental planning, research communication, interdisciplinary environmental training
Something Few People Know About You: I’m an expert downhill skier and a great cook.
What Inspired your Interest in the Environment? I grew up in the suburbs of NY City, but both of my grandparents had houses in more remote, natural environments (one in New Hampshire in the woods, one in northern New York state on a large lake). I spent my childhood summers wandering in the woods and swimming, snorkeling, and fishing in various lakes. That love for nature was my first inspiration to study environmental science. But when I was in college, major environmental disasters around the world solidified my sense that the environment was not just “bees & trees,” it included humans too. Helping people stay healthy and happy where they live, work, and play became my primary environmental concern.
Anything to Add to your Bio? My first real environmental job was developing a public involvement plan for the siting of new wastewater treatment facilities in the Boston metro area.

Science Teacher - Spring Harbor Middle School
Dave Ropa
Dave Ropa is the 7th grade science teacher at Spring Harbor Middle School. He is leader of the school’s Field Biology Club and Drama Club and coordinates the operation and maintenance of the Irwin A. & Goodman Greenhouse at Spring Harbor. The Goodman Greenhouse & Gardens are integrated into the school’s science, math and humanities curriculum. The gardens are also home to four weeks of MSCR summer garden camps and serve as a community garden space for the neighborhood. Prior to his 22 years at Spring Harbor, Dave was the Vice President of TJP Market Development, and helped coordinate the research and development of new food products for a variety of U.S. agricultural ingredients. He has degrees in Business, Communications and Environmental Science.

PhD Candidate in the Department of Life Sciences Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Mikhaila Calice
Mikhaila is a social scientist that examines questions at the intersection of science and society. Mikhaila earned her MPA from the La Follette School of Public Affairs with a concentration in Energy Analysis and Policy through the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. With this energy policy background, Mikhaila is particularly interested researching how controversial science issues related to climate change and the energy transition are communicated to the public and policy-makers to explore collaborative approaches to policy making. Mikhaila is also affiliated with Slipstream, Inc., a Madison-based energy efficiency research nonprofit, where she analyzes energy efficiency programs, energy usage trends, electricity pricing, emerging energy technology, and other topics relevant to energy policy.

Director of Dane County Office of Energy and Climate Change
Kathy Kuntz
Kathy has almost 30 years of experience helping businesses and residents adopt sustainable practices. Prior to joining Dane County, Kathy led Cool Choices where she worked with local governments and private businesses on sustainability efforts for about ten years. Before that she led Focus on Energy, Wisconsin's statewide energy efficiency and renewable energy program.
Kathy has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota, a Master’s from UW-Madison, and a reputation for getting results.

Student Intern Program Manager
Tim Lindstrom
Tim Lindstrom serves as the Student Intern Program Manager at the Office of Sustainability and an Instructor at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. As the Intern Program Manager, Tim works alongside undergraduate interns to create a culture of sustainability on the UW–Madison campus. This work – conducted by intern teams – engages students, faculty, and staff through sustainability initiatives ranging from the campus’s natural and built environment to student life and wellness. As an Instructor, Tim’s teaching focuses on using the UW–Madison campus as a living laboratory for environmental and sustainability education. Put simply, Tim gets to work with students in both academic and professional contexts to help the UW–Madison campus and community aspire toward the ideals of sustainability.
Tim previously worked with the Office of Sustainability as a graduate student to support the intern program and manage an EPA-funded project to recycle expanded polystyrene shipping boxes from campus labs.
Tim’s research on campus-based sustainability education and the life cycle impacts of expanded polystyrene formed the foundation for his PhD dissertation, which he completed at the Nelson Institute in May 2020. He also has taught a capstone course on campus-based applications of life cycle assessment for the Nelson Institute.
Executive Director of In Pursuit of Sunshine
Noemy Lesieutre
Noemy Lesieutre is the Executive Director of In Pursuit Of Sunshine (IPOS). She established this organization in 2018 when she was a Freshman in high school at Madison West. IPOS is a Madison based network that focuses on developing educational programs for all ages surrounding climate justice and intersecting social issues, however focusing on food security. Through this Noemy has worked with many other organizations such as 350 Wisconsin and Neighborhood House.